What's in a name?

The origin of the Brookfield name comes from combining of paternal grandparent surnames... Fredrick Brooks and Alice Waterfield.  This band has been making music together forever...  long enough to have a ‘45’ single on vinyl. 

We’ve been together so long that when we started out, Brookfield was not a common name, and there was no Google or Yahoo or even Alta Vista search engines to test it out on. In fact there was no public internet. Now we get lost in web search results with probably a few dozen bands sharing the name, as well as dozens of Brookfield community music sites, and we are not to be confused with the massive property and development company. 

We are essentially invisible on-line, so every now and then we think about changing the name. Someone, who Fredrick is somehow related to way back, once said something like a rose by any other name is still a rose. We could change our name, we’d still be us. We’d be an easier find.   But if you are still with us through all these years we are good with that. 

Thank you for sticking with us.  We are still Brookfield. There is more music coming. Jeff

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